Wholeness & Separation

Album | 2006




We appeal to your basic nature
Your basic nature, honey

Chew up the harder facts for you
To make them easy to consume

We appeal to your basic nature
Your basic nature, don't we?

Do we appeal to your basic nature
Your basic nature, honey?

You won't have to think too hard
You won't have to dig too far

With your attention-span destroyed
Segments of six second factoids

Sanitize the truth for you
You won't have to think to hard
Sanitize the truth for you
You won't have to dig too far


Sometimes I doubt the path I chose
Sometimes my dreams feel all on hold
There's no doubt that this will make me strong
Because it's the hardest thing I've ever done

Despite this cruel world
And all my best efforts
You surprise me with just how perfect you are

Even with all my flaws
And my bad examples
You surprise me with
Just how perfect you are

And when I'm lost
You search for me
And when I doubt
You're my belief

I'm suppose to be
The stronger one
You always seem
To prove that theory wrong

Still, I hold my breath each time you go
Out in the world that's beyond my control
If you are dreaming
I never want to wake you up

When I'm all in a spin
Full of cynicism
You remind me of just how perfect you are

When I'm at my wits end
And I'm losing my head
You remind me of just how lucky I am

Everything Is OK

Break it all down into simplest terms
There, was that so bad?
Now, is that so bad?
You doubt yourself so much, you don't even
Know what you really want
Or how you really feel

And I'm so tired
Of you constantly over-thinking
I know why
Because everything's going OK
Just your style
To break it all into pieces
I know why
Because everything's going OK

Disregard your inner monologue
Don't try to drown it out
'Cause it'll only wear you out
Sometimes things are just beyond control
That has to be OK
And you don't have a choice

And I'm so tired
Of you constantly over-thinking
I know why
Because everything's going OK
Just your style
To break it all into pieces
Just one time
I've had just about all I can take

Everything is unacceptable
If you overanalyze
And that is just your style

And I'm so tired
Of you constantly over-thinking
I know why
Because everything's going OK
Just your style
To break it all into pieces
Just one time
I've had just about all I can take

I'm so tired
Of you constantly over-thinking
I know why
Because everything's going OK


Write your codes
Throw me off
I've captured your enigma machine
Better have tried
And consequently fell
They lacked this fine decoder ring

I am here
I read you
Loud and clear
I am here
I read you

I sneak inside
Retrace your steps
Movements make motives clear
Your phrases fly
Fast and furious
And I am fluent now

You're coming through without a glitch
We read you loud and clear


Take a look at you
I know how it feels
Branches full of fruit

Life streaks
And surges all in green
The bounty of the rain
The bounty of the spring

You can't keep them all
I wait with eyes closed
I'll lighten your load

Truth hurts
Remember this:
We are pooling our faith
(You said it)

Asking for my basketful

Shake loose
All your garnet jewels
Whatever sustains me
Gifts and pampers you

Trees drop
Plums in my open mouth
I wait with eyes closed
Paradise my own

Truth hurts
Hold onto this:
We are pooling our faith
(You said it)

Juice bursts
Don't let it drip
We are pooling our faith
(You said it)

Your Friends

Your friends,
We are your soldiers
Sworn to protect
Your character
And there is no attack
For which we're not prepared

When you need us, we're there
If you need us, we're there

We're there

The Ratio Of Freckles To Stars

But I don't think I can wait
I've been living for this day
I think that if I do or don't
It'll turn out the same way
But I can't seem to pull myself away
And I hope that's OK
Even just the very thought
Makes me want to stay

This is more than I can take
I fear my heart will burst or break
If there's a thing as too much joy,
I will be taken away
If I wrap you up inside of me,
Kiss your fingers greedily
I will lose track of the floor
I will lose track of my feet

All that you've conquered
Was already yours
Walking the night sky
Freckles to the stars
All that you've longed for
Is painted on my arms
Here, I can take you

But I don't know what to say
All my language slipped away
I only know that I am yours and
I hope you take the hint

Be still my sweaty little heart
You are my every waking thought
If there's a thing as too much love
I am guilty as I stand
If I dive head first straight into you
The way I've always wanted to
I can't be held responsible
There's no telling what I'll do




How can I learn to let go,
Now that you have shown
That you are strong enough,
But I am not
How can I let the world rough you around
When I'm not there,
I can't protect you
Why does life have to rob you of your
Innocence and faith
For you to be a grown up?
The only thing that gives me strength
When I am deep in doubt
Is your nature

Oh, how you damage me
You never mean to
Oh, how you break my heart
And make me need you
Oh, you can crush me
Like a rose petal
Oh, how you damage me
You never mean to


Today I feel surrounded
Today I am connected
Today I am a part of something more
As if every cell were singing
Still, I can't embrace it
Every silver lining has a cloud

But not so far
I keep waiting for the shoe to drop
Waiting for the axe to fall
And it will happen
This I know
Just not so far

Today I feel like dancing
I never fell like dancing
It's like even the weather suits my mood
My entire soul is ringing
Still, I can't accept it
I keep looking for the thing to bring me down

Though I can't explain my reasons to you
I think we are the same

Hollow Bones

I understand the principle
Wrapped it up inside my skull
I just cannot seem to make it real

Downward stroke, back and up
Downward stroke, back and up

And even without hollow bones
And burdened down by all these clothes
Against the forces of the Earth
I swear that I will make it real

And when we go
Take nothing with us


And when it's cold
Then they will miss us


I have intellectualized
Looked at this from every side
I just cannot seem to make it fly

Downward stroke, back and up
Downward stroke, back and up

Hush, pretty bird, don't you know you can't sing?
Whoosh, little bird gonna take to the sky

I Am Warm

My legacy, a string of losses
My god, I ask
How can you do this?
You made the sun
The world, your canvas
With all this I can see how I'm unimportant

In this dream
I am warm
There are hands in my hair
And it's good to be there

I wave my hand and nothing happens
I set my scene and I can't play it
I'd leave it to you but
It would turn out backwards
I'd like to believe you're not just reckless

And you are
Nostalgic while you are still living this
And it all
Snuck up while you weren't looking
And you are
Nostalgic while you are still living this
And you're sure
This is how you know you're living

Things Stay The Same

I don't think that you're being unreasonable
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You wait
These are such basic things
You shouldn't have to voice them,
But you do
And in your eyes
Stars are only Christmas lights
And silk thread
And in your mind
Everything is quantified
And sharpened

It seems you have forgotten me
I will remind you
It seems you're overlooking me
I will find you
You seem not to care for me
Did you ever try to?
Am I really so hard to love?

All done up in your borrowed shades of Autumn
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You wait

Someone needs to hold you
Before you slip away
Because you always leave us guessing
Pushing pieces round your plate
Someone needs to show you
Before you slip away
You're really not so far from us
You're really not so far